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Social Media and Your Divorce

Family Law Group

These days, nearly everyone maintains at least one type of social media account. Whether you’re on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or some other form of social platform, sharing certain types of information online during the divorce process can hurt your case.

Before you post something on the Internet, think about whether it could affect your case. Here are some things to consider when using social media during a divorce:

Be Vigilant about Your Online Image

When people are going through a divorce or separation, it’s not unusual for tensions to run high – especially when there are disputes regarding which parent should have primary custody of the children. Social media posts that portray you in a negative light can be used by the other side in an attempt to show you are unfit. Avoid making disparaging comments online about your case or your ex. Also consider how a photo or comment could be perceived by the other side or the family law court. For example, a series of photos showing you intoxicated at a party are unlikely to create a positive image.

Don’t Rely on Privacy Settings

In most instances, it’s best to assume that anything you post online can be viewed by anyone with access to a computer and the Internet. The privacy settings and policies vary from platform to platform. Moreover, many social sites are constantly changing their settings. It’s very common for users to post something with the assumption that it’s private, only to find out later that it can be accessed by people they never intended to see it.

Deleting Something Doesn’t Necessarily Erase It

There is a popular saying in the tech world: The Internet is forever. In other words, once something is online, it stays there in some format even after the original author removes it. For example, you may post a photo online, only to remove it days later. In the interim, something else may have copied it and reposted it online.

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